Over the last quarter the SSF Southwest team have been working hard to deliver our SSF Chance:2:Be programmes across the region. During this time, we have launched two additional programmes in Ardrossan and Irvine. In total we have engaged with 22 young people across both programmes, providing opportunities around alternative education and various experiences for the young people involved.
With our Ardrossan programme ending, the SSF staff team have managed to support all 22 young people through various accreditations, including five Education Through Cashback (ETC) modules and SSF Wellbeing Workshops. The programme also provided positive role models, alternative learning, and engaging experiences which have pushed the young people into their stretch zones and encouraged them to build their confidence and resilience as a result.
“X has developed massively in the last six months, looking back to where he was then, and comparing that to the young man he is now is unrecognisable”
SSF Sessional Worker
During this time, we have also worked closely with North Ayrshire Council’s Extended Outreach Team and North Ayrshire Active Schools around the planning and coordination of a bespoke SSF Chance:2:Be programme which will be co-delivered in January 2023 for young people from across North Ayrshire which are currently engaging with the Extended Outreach Team.
Over the last quarter the SSF staff team have been attending sessions held by the Extended Outreach Team to build rapport with the young people which have been referred on to the SSF Chance:2:Be programme in January. Attendance at these sessions has proved to be very beneficial for building relationships with the young people prior to the start of the programme and breaking down any potential barriers to participation in the lead up to the programme. The SSF staff team are very keen to get the ball rolling with this programme and we look forward to starting the programme with the Extended Outreach and Active Schools teams in January.