Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
SSF is committed to ensuring the wellbeing and protection of the young people we work with. Through safe practice and robust policy and procedure we aim to provide a safe environment where young people feel secure and have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
If you have a safeguarding query please contact
Scottish Sports Futures’ child protection and safeguarding policy and procedures are based on the following principles:
Scottish Sports Futures are committed to ensuring that children’s rights are upheld and are wholly in support of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) is an assessment process where you can identify, research, analyse, and record any anticipated impact of a proposed project on the human rights and wellbeing of children and young people.
Ministers are committed to CRWIAs as a means of delivering their children’s rights duties under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 which embeds UNCRC rights in Scottish legislation.
The CRWIA is relevant to Scottish Sports Futures as we deliver a wide range of direct support for children and young people.
For further information please see CRWIA – training tool and Children’s rights legislation in Scotland.
You can also view our own impact assessment here.
If you need to report something to SSF, please fill in one of the following:
Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
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