Equality and Inclusion

Being inclusive is one of SSF’s core values. We actively work, in consultation with the communities we support, to ensure our services are open, safe, and inclusive for all.

We have established an internal equality, diversity, and inclusion working group. This group leads on the implementation of our equalities action plan, working with board, staff, and volunteers to embed the importance of promoting equality and inclusive practice, reducing discrimination, and being reflective of the communities we serve.

The group will:

  • Provide leadership and direction to equalities work across SSF.
  • Engage staff and inform internal and external communications.
  • Provide objective advice and guidance
  • Review data and research and use it to inform organisational objectives and planning.
  • Assist SSF to ensure relevant consultation with people who have knowledge of the protected characteristics.
  • Put in place an action plan that will support the organisation deliver its equalities aspirations.
  • Review progress and ensure continuous improvement.

LGBT+ Charter

We are proud to say we are working towards the LGBT Youth Scotland’s Silver Charter Award!

We have been taking proactive steps to ensure LGBT+ staff, volunteers, and service users feel safe, supported, and included at Scottish Sports Futures.

Being awarded the LGBT Charter Award will allow SSF to make a clear statement that equality and diversity are at the heart of our organisation.

If you or someone you know needs support there are many resources available, including; 1-2-1 support, group support, events, or even live chat. 

Support resources can be found at:

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