Author: Shabaz Khan, SSF Education and Training Manager
"Before Andy Murray was a tennis player, he was a person"
SSF E&T Tutor
The above quote is from the pilot delivery of SSF’s newly created Education and Training module Putting the Person First – Taking a Person-Centred Approach to Coaching.
This statement perfectly encapsulates the module’s teachings, which highlights the need to change the rhetoric around coaching. Historically, coach education has taken a service centred approach, meaning that participants must adapt to the sport, and the focus is on what the coach wants to do and what’s considered to work best for the sport.

Emerging research highlights the need for coaches to adopt a person-centred approach, which includes connecting to participants on a human level. As humans we crave connection, when we have strong connections, we feel seen, heard, valued and safe. Feelings of safety create opportunity for multi-faceted development, which is paramount to an individual’s overall experience, growth and performance.
Regardless of the level of competition, from Olympic athletes to recreational players and everything in between the need to connect is ingrained within us all, that’s why we’ve worked closely with sportscotland to create and launch this module.
This two hour module is designed for those working or volunteering within a sport or physical activity environment, with the aim of understanding their coaching ‘why’, values and the importance of connecting to the human behind the sport.
Remember ‘Everyone is a person before they are anything else’.

Interested in completing the module? Contact today.