Over the last 48 weeks, SSF in partnership with SAMH have successfully delivered our Active:2:Grow programme in North Ayrshire, supporting young people aged 11-14 to address concerns with their mental health and wellbeing using the hook of sport and youth work.
The Active:2:Grow programme has worked with various community partners to refer young people and has used sport in combination with youth work practice to support their mental health and wellbeing. Since its launch in May 2021, the programme has successfully supported 13 young people to complete the full programme and has provided pathways for these young people to move into positive activities within their community.
The last 48 weeks have been a massive accomplishment with the majority of the young people building positive trusting relationships with the staff and their peers, as well as building their own capacity, confidence and resilience. These young people now have the tools and resources to support their own mental health and wellbeing.
Since completing the Active:2:Grow programme, 8 young people have now progressed to take up an active role in the Shell Twilight programme, with 9 young people taking up a leadership role in their community through the SSF Young Leaders programme. In addition to this 4 young people have been signposted to attend provision provided through partner organisations within the wider community.
SSF staff are now very excited to support the next intake of young people as we look to begin the referral process for our next Active:2:Grow programme launching on the 13th July.

For further information about Active2:Grow, please contact Hana@ssf.org.uk.