SSF National Team July 2022

SSF Young Leaders Programme

SSF Young Leaders programme is a person-centred personal development programme for young people aged 12-25. Young people embark on their own journey over one year taking on new challenges and developing their leadership skills which they can then use as a volunteer within their community.

In March we held induction evenings recruiting 66 SSF Young Leaders from across Glasgow, North Ayrshire, and Stirling. Many of these young people were participants at other SSF programmes and have now chosen this programme as a pathway to gain more skills and qualifications.

At the beginning of the programme, the SSF Young Leaders completed the Education Through Cashback Communication module. This gave our SSF Young Leaders the opportunity to develop their leaderships skills. One young person even pointed out how it has proved they can be resilient to things that stopped them progressing in the past.

Now our SSF Young Leaders have been meeting monthly to take part in new activities like Rock Climbing at The PEAK in Stirling and

 Flip Out trampoline park in Glasgow. We have also had 39 SSF Young Leaders begin to complete their SCQF Level 4 Community Achievement Award. Alongside this, 7 SSF Young Leaders have begun volunteering at Shell Twilight sessions within their community by taking the lead on activities during sessions.

“Many of our programme participants have come such a long way, since being identified for the SSF Young Leaders programme, they now have increased confidence to become a young leader and gained aspirations to now want to give back to their community and the programmes that have helped get them to where they are today.”

“I canny believe I’ve got a qualification when I’m dyslexic”.

“I want to meet new people, improve my confidence. As well as taking on a leadership role within my community”










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