Providing quality education & training is a core pillar of tackling widespread inequalities – SCQF Week 

Author: Shabaz Khan, SSF Education & Training Manager 

It’s SCQF Week, and I want to discuss why young people are the future of our communities and workforce, and if we don’t invest in training that develops key transferable life skills, we risk widening the attainment gap and adding to the rise in social inequality, unemployment, crime and poverty. 

Many young people don’t thrive in a traditional learning environment and often there is a lack of alternatives offered within the school curriculum.  This can lead to young people leaving school without qualifications and ultimately exacerbating social inequalities.    

At SSF we believe that providing quality education and training is a core pillar of tackling widespread inequalities. We are proud to offer various SCQF accredited modules that act as a catalyst for pupil engagement, the pursuit of higher education and bridges the gap between young people and the world of work. 

We use sport and physical activity throughout our modules to get young people out of the classroom, active and socialising which in turn increases engagement, retention of information and ultimately the attainment of qualifications. In addition, the training is SCQF rated, meaning the learner receives a nationally recognised qualification at level 4 or 5. 

Offering SCQF accredited modules also adds value to schools and local authorities as our modules are Insight Tarriff rated, meaning any points accrued can be utilised for school attainment records. 

Our SCQF accredited training adds real world value to thousands of young people across Scotland every year. For a full list of our Education and Training offering visit Education & Training – Scottish Sports Futures ( 

You can find out more about the SCQF framework and how our modules can benefit you or your young people visiting Interactive Framework – Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework ( 

Let’s recognise the value of SCQF accredited training for young people and help to reduce the attainment gap across Scotland. 

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