Scottish Sports Futures use the power of sport and physical activity to engage with young people in Scotland and empower them to be confident, healthy and happy.

We work to combat the effects of living in poverty and buffer against trauma and adversity. Focused in the most challenged communities, we are privileged to work alongside exceptional young people and support them to reach a positive destination.

We do this using our proven and recognised Sport for Change model and its range of person-centred, youth-led programmes that provide positive experiences, inspiring role models, engaging social education, training, and youth volunteering opportunities.


Developing People

Developing people is at the heart of everything we do. Through the power of sport and physical activity we improve confidence, resilience, skills, and aspirations.

Improving Health & Wellbeing

We recognise and harness the role sport and physical activity has to play in supporting positive mental and physical wellbeing.

Strengthening Communities

Our programmes connect young people to their local communities and support and empower them to become inspiring role models to their peers.

Our Impact

We seek to encourage a positive change in young people’s attitudes and behaviour that enables them to recognise and fulfil their potential, and to make a valuable contribution to their peers and their community. In the past three years, SSF have supported young people to:

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Increase Confidence
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Accreditations Achieved
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Volunteer Hours Contributed

How You Can Get Involved

We have a wide variety of services available to young people, families, and organisations. We offer support with personal development, inclusive community sports sessions, and training for both young people and practitioners. We also offer a range of bespoke services, from tailored workshops to children’s birthday parties. We are supported by amazing volunteers, ambassadors, partners, funders, and sponsors. We continue to explore and welcome partnership working and investment. 

Follow the links below to find out more about what we do and how you can get involved.

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What We Do

Whether you are a young person, partner, or partner organisation, find out what we can offer you!

Annual Report

Want to know more? Read our annual report to find out more about what we have been up to in 2022/2023

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Support Us

Interested in supporting our work? We have a range of ways you can help!

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We are incredibly grateful to those who choose to support us through donations.

"SSF gave me so much, such as qualifications, confidence, and experience. It has brought me out of my comfort zone which led to great things. [SSF] really do make an impact on people and I would just like to say, thanks for everything!"
Chloe Canning
"One of the biggest things SSF has done for me is all the experiences and they've helped me land my dream job. If it wasn't for SSF I wouldn't have been able to be confident enough to kind of step forward to get to that interview."
Joshua Juanatas
"SAMH are delighted to continue working with SSF for the next four years. SSF really value the importance of physical activity on our mental health and wellbeing; we look forward to reaching more young people within communities together."
Robert Nesbitt

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