Ways to Donate

If you would like to help raise money for SSF from the comfort of your sofa here is how you can get involved… Remember every little bit helps us to continue our mission of #ChangingLivesThroughSport

To find out more information please contact us!

We're raising vital funds for our Twilight programme
with help from Aviva

Our Twilight programme works in some of the most challenged communities in Scotland. It provides young people with a safe place in the evening to be active. It gives them a hot meal, access to mental health workshops, the chance to make friends…and just play.

We are crowdfunding for vital funds for this programme to secure venue fees, meal costs, sports equipment and our highly trained staff and coach time.

We’re delighted that Aviva are match funding every donation made (up to £250 per donation).

If you’d like to lend your support please donate below. Thank you so much.


Through JustGiving you can donate from anywhere in the world to help Scottish Sports Futures. Donations are automatically transferred to SSF on a weekly basis (or, if the total donated is £50 or less, it will transfer at the end of the month). 

If applicable, Gift Aid can also be reclaimed on all eligible donations each week which will be sent directly on to us once HMRC approve.


Click here to sign up! 

Shop as normal with over 4,200 retailers, just start your shopping journey first at easyfundraising.org.uk. Once you make a purchase, the retailer partners will make a small donation to your chosen cause to say, ‘thank you’.

Glasgow Lottery - YALDI

Click here to play! 

Play Glasgow Community Lottery and support SSF with a fundraising lottery.
At least 60% from each ticket sold goes to support us, and there’s a chance to win the £25,000 jackpot every week!

Lottery tickets cost just £1 and there is a draw weekly. Match all 6 numbers and you win the JACKPOT!

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