Sweaty Betty Foundation Partnership 2023

Following on from the success of last years Scottish Women and Girls in Sport week launch SSF and the Sweaty Betty Foundation have further strengthened their partnership with funding to support young women and girls in sport. 

Three young people from previous SSF programmes in Stirling worked together to write an application for a £2000 grant from the Sweaty Betty Foundation to provide opportunities for girls in their community.

The young people were given full autonomy to convey their ideas whilst being supported to go through the application process. The girls very quickly highlighted their passion for supporting Primary 7 girls transitioning into High School. They felt that it is a daunting time for young people and that it can be scary. The girls also highlighted that young girls are getting exposed to things much younger and noticed issues affecting young people including vaping and wearing ‘too much makeup and fake tan’. From this conversation the girls were very passionate to make the application to ensure there would be a programme for the girls to help them transition into their High School.

The young girls were passionate about being role models and were keen to be involved within the full process which included a Dragons Den style pitch, as well as supporting the delivery.

"I love sport and I know the benefit it can have. Everyone should have the opportunity to take part."

The three young people required support to enable them to confidently participate in the Dragons Den style pitch. As a result, they worked with SSF Youth Development Coordinator, Chanelle, to develop their presenting skills and confidence to be able to do the presentation. After many laughs and lots of practice and determination they worked well together to present to the staff at Sweaty Betty Foundation and were successful in gaining the funding!

Following this, the young people had to promote their newly funded programme. They came up with a name for the programme, designed a flyer, and also visited local primary school to promote the programme all supported by SSF staff. This was a great experience for them all especially as this was the primary school in which they attended, this came with both nerves and excitement for them.

All of the young girls learned how to work as a team, build their confidence, and develop their communication skills. They regularly expressed how empowered they felt through the full process and were so grateful to have been given the opportunity to make a difference in their community. 

"I am so proud of the young people who have stepped out of their comfort zones and volunteered their time and passion to provide new opportunities to young people in their communities. The girls have struggled with their confidence and I know that this will have had a huge impact on their self esteem and confidence! It has been a pleasure to work with them to develop their skills."

More details on the upcoming programme will be available soon! 

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