Scottish Sports Futures recently partnered up with Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) as their Charity of The Year 20/21. It is no secret that this year has been a struggle for all let alone schools and universities, however the dedication to raise funds for SSF throughout this difficult time from the GUSA team has been nothing short of inspirational!
“It has been a challenging year for us all however the support from this partnership has been instrumental in pushing out our strategy and raising SSF’s profile amongst students at the University of Glasgow. Not only have they committed to supporting our young people reach their positive destinations, but they have also helped raise awareness for the charity. I cannot thank James and his team enough!”
Preeti Jassal, Marketing & Fundriaising Manager
The Fundraising and Outreach Convenor, James Patterson, had many exciting fundraising plans at the start of the academic year, however due to the pandemic everything came to a halt. Determined not to let that stop them, the University’s sports teams rounded up their team members to take part in SSF’s Ultimate Challenge with a week-long fundraiser.
During this week, each of the teams were set a physical activity challenge to walk or run as far as they could in 24 hours. Fourteen teams signed up for the challenge and all individuals took part in the fundraising efforts. Being a competitive bunch, they of course threw in some healthy competition whilst raising funds!
All teams put in such an incredible effort, and racked up some impressive distances. The Shinty Club came in first place, covering an astonishing 532.72km combined! A member of the athletics team even walked to Perth – covering 100km alone! The university-wide fundraiser more than tripled their target of £1000, raising over £3,000 for SSF!

The Fundraising and Outreach Convenor has been SSF’s main point of contact throughout the past year. The support and enthusiasm to push SSF’s vision to have a world where young people have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
“We wanted to work with a charity which focused on providing sporting opportunities to disadvantaged communities. We were overwhelmed by the work, support, and mission that Scottish Sport Futures were pushing. Even though it has been a difficult year for fundraising, we have ended on a high, and I hope GUSA and SSF can work together again in the future – it has been a pleasure working with the charity.”
James Patterson, Fundraising and Outreach Convenor
SSF are continuing the SSF Ultimate Challenge throughout the year, click here if you would like to find out more!
Highlights of the events can be viewed on the video below.