Scottish Sports Futures (SSF) today celebrate their 20th birthday year with the launch of a new strategy for the next three years, which will see them continue their work “changing lives through sport.” The event took place in Glasgow on 23rd January 2020.
The strategic plan for 2020 – 2023 sets out how SSF will deliver high-quality Sport for Change products and services, but to more young people and in more areas. The charity is passionate about putting young people at the heart, delivering programmes with love, care, and empathy. Over the next three years, SSF will focus on three key strategic objectives: developing people, improving health and wellbeing, and strengthening communities.

At SSF young people shape everything we do, down to today’s strategy launch which was planned by SSF’s youth advisory panel. The panel, along with other young people who have been supported through SSF’s work, contributed to the development of the new strategy and attended today’s launch event. The highlight of the event was the inspirational stories these amazing young people shared with the partners and funders in attendance, about how SSF has transformed their lives.
Julia Abel of Inspiring Scotland attended the event and said, “Great to be at SSF’s strategy launch, [hearing] from young people about the importance of changing lives through sport. Proud that CashBack for Communities and Inspiring Scotland can support your work.”
Andrew Marley, Youth Director for SSF, who took part in SSF’s programmes himself before joining their board of trustees, hosted the launch event. He commented on the new strategy, “I myself have benefited from the work that SSF does, from attending as a young person, then volunteer, mentor, and now a board member. Not only has it impacted me, but I see the transformation which SSF has made on many other young people, lives which would be very different and a lot less positive without the work we do.”
SSF’s full strategy document can be accessed here.