Over the last year, Scottish Sports Futures have been working closely with Govan Youth Information Project (GYIP) to plan our SSF Chance:2:Be programme launch in Govan. Due to COVID restrictions the programme was not able to start until 21st May 2021. On the run up to the launch, SSF and GYIP had regular contact with Govan High School, Harmony Row Youth Club to ensure the programme was COVID compliant. There was ‘Meet and Greets’ carried out with the young people before the programme started for initial consultation around interests and experiences as well as ensuring all young people felt safe to come along. We put our young people at the heart of everything we do and therefore empower them to drive their provision. This consultation ensures all of the coaches are aware of the needs of the young people and can ensure a fun, friendly session each week.
"I thought it was gonna be rubbish, but it was actually really good!"
SSF Chance:2:Be Young Person
After all the planning, week one was finally able to happen. The first couple of weeks of the SSF Chance:2:Be programme are vital and are very focused on team building and getting to know the young people and staff by using the power of sport and youth work to fulfil the young people’s potential driving them towards their positive destinations.
"Participant 1 loved Friday and is really looking forward to the next few weeks!"
School Teacher
The SSF team are really looking forward to working with all of the young people over the next 16 weeks to develop new skills, gain new experiences, and help to guide them towards their positive destination. The programme also provides after care which consists of a 4 week support plan, where the young people will have a series of one-to-ones with a Youth Development Coordinator. The young people can use this time to apply for jobs, further education, further accreditation and any other personal development support.