Privacy Policy

This version of our Privacy Policy was last updated April 2020.

Our Privacy Policy – your rights, your information, and how we use it

Scottish Sports Futures is committed to protecting your personal information. 

Our Privacy Policy contains important information about what personal details we collect; what we do with that information; who we may share it with and why; and your choices and rights when it comes to the personal information you have given us.

We may need to make changes to our Privacy Policy; so please check our website for updates from time to time. If there are important changes such as changes to where your personal data will be processed; we will contact you to let you know.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or the information we collect or use about you, please contact:

FAO Data Protection
Scottish Sports Futures
Suite 3/4 Brook Street Studios
3rd Floor, 60 Brook Street
G40 2AB

Tel: 0141 218 4640

Information we collect and use

Information about you that we collect, and use includes:

  • Information about who you are e.g. your name, date of birth and contact details
  • Information about your contact with us e.g. meetings, phone calls, emails / letters we can also collect your opinions about a product, service or an issue.
  • Information classified as ‘sensitive’ personal information e.g. relating to your health, ethnicity, gender etc. This information will only be collected and used where it’s needed to provide the product or service you have requested or are taking part in or to comply with our legal obligations
  • Information on children e.g. where a child is named by a parent or guardian on their behalf. In these cases, we will collect and use only the information required to identify the child (such as their name, age, gender)

Where we collect your information

We may collect your personal information directly from you, from a variety of sources, including:

  • an application form and details for a specific service
  • phone conversations with us
  • emails or letters you send to us
  • registering for one of our programmes/events
  • our online services such as websites and social media

We may also collect personal information on you from publicly available sources e.g. to check or improve the information we hold (like your address) or to give better contact information if we are unable to contact you directly.

What we collect and use your information for

We take your privacy seriously and we will only ever collect and use information which is personal to you where it is necessary, fair and lawful to do so. We will collect and use your information only where:

  • you have given us your permission [consent] to contact you with information about products and services offered by us which we believe may be of interest and benefit to you
  • it’s necessary to provide and manage the product or service you have requested or agreed to take part in e.g. if you wish to attend one of our programmes or training events
  • it’s in your legitimate interests e.g. to deliver appropriate information and guidance so you are aware of the options that will help you

If you do not wish us to collect and use your personal information in these ways, it may limit the service we can provide for you.

Who we may share your information with

We may share your information with third parties for the reasons outlined in ‘What we collect and use your information for.’

These third parties include:

  • Organisations and individuals who support us in the delivery of the products and services we offer to you
  • Funders and organisations who have enabled the delivery of our service and are tracking the impact of activities
  • Practitioners, educators and researchers in the field of sports and physical activity or young person and community development

We will never sell your details to someone else. Whenever we share your personal information, we will do so in line with our obligations, care and respect for you to keep your information safe and secure.

Where your information is processed

All your information is processed in the UK.

How we protect your information

We take information and system security very seriously and we always strive to comply with our obligations. Any personal information which is collected, recorded or used in any way, whether on paper, online or any other media, will have appropriate safeguards applied in line with our data protection obligations.

Your information is protected by controls designed to minimise loss or damage through accident, negligence or deliberate actions. Our employees also protect sensitive or confidential information when storing or transmitting information electronically.

Our security controls are aligned to good practice; providing a control environment that effectively manages risks to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your information.

How long we keep your information

We will keep your personal information only where it is necessary to provide you with our services, while you are a client.

We may also keep your information after this period but only where required to meet our regulatory obligations. The length of time we keep your information for these purposes will vary depending on the obligations we need to meet.

Your individual rights

You have several rights in relation to how Scottish Sports Futures uses your information. They are:

Right to be informed
You have a right to receive clear and easy to understand information on what personal information we have, why and who we share it with – we do this in our Privacy Policy and privacy notices.

Right of access
You have the right of access to your personal information. If you wish to receive a copy of the personal information we hold on you, you may make a data subject access request (DSAR).

Right to request that your personal information be rectified
If your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you can request that it is corrected.

Right to request erasure
You can ask for your information to be deleted or removed if there is not a compelling reason for Scottish Sports Futures to continue to have it.

Right to object
You can object to Scottish Sports Futures processing your personal information where: it’s based on our legitimate interests; for direct marketing; and if we were using it for scientific/historical research and statistics.

How to make a complaint

We will always strive to collect, use and safeguard your personal information in line with data protection laws. If you do not believe we have handled your information as set out in our Privacy Policy, please contact us at the contact details above.

If you are still unhappy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.

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