CEO Appointment 2024

Scottish Sports Futures (SSF) and sportscotland have announced they are strengthening their partnership after sportscotland Lead Manager, Dougie Millen was once again appointed as Chief Executive Officer of SSF while Kirsty McNab goes on maternity leave until January 2025.

Scottish Sports Futures use the power of sport and physical activity to engage with young people in Scotland and empower them to be confident, healthy, and happy. With a focus on at-risk communities, SSF initiatives are designed to encourage physical and mental wellbeing and integration.

SSF and sportscotland have been working together since the charity’s inception 20 years ago, using sport to help change the lives of young people across the country. This appointment is result of the strength of relationship and partnership between the organisations which will allow for the sharing of expertise and resources. Both organisations will contribute to wider outcomes and together will continue developing people, strengthening communities, improving health and wellbeing, and helping change lives through sport.

Dougie brings a wealth of experience to the leadership role, having previously worked in a variety of community-based roles. His strong relationships with sport governing bodies, local authorities and experience of equality, diversity and inclusion will enable SSF to continue to support as many young people as possible.

“I am very proud to have the opportunity to be a part of Scottish Sports Futures once again. Their work has proved to be invaluable to so many young people across Scotland. With over 20 years’ experience using sport as a tool to transform the lives of young people, SSF have built up incredible knowledge and learning. I’m so passionate about reaching more young people, developing our partnerships, and ensuring that we strive to deliver equality, diversity, and inclusion. It’s great to be back leading this amazing organisation and team!

“I am delighted that once again Dougie will be coming into lead SSF. We are at a critical point in our development and evolution, and I have every confidence that Dougie will bring in his experience and lead with purpose and passion. I am looking forward to spending a year focussed on family and will watch on with pride and excitement as we see what 2024 brings for this organisation I love so much”.

“Working in partnership is central to the sportscotland approach and Dougie’s appointment is an excellent example. Our commitment to inclusion is at the heart of our strategy which aligns closely with SSF’s work. Both organisations will benefit from the shared learning which will come out of this appointment, and I am confident that it will be a positive experience for everyone involved.”

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