SSF Education
& Training

SSF Education
& Training


We believe that providing quality education and training is a core pillar of tackling widespread problems faced by society.  Our education and training combines youth work principles and sport to develop skills and knowledge.

Our learning is practical and interactive, facilitates personal development and can be delivered directly to young people, and practitioners.

The purpose of our training

Our Modules

An introduction to understanding young people and how they choose to participate in sport. This module introduces the concept of the role of the coach and the positive or negative impact they can have on the lives of young people engaged in sport or physical activity programmes.

We investigate Kolb’s Learning Cycle to explore the benefits that can be delivered through sport and physical activity and planning effective outcome-based programmes. Content should be designed to engage the participants while making progress towards programme outcomes.

Explore how to develop transferable communication skills through participation in sport. The module focuses on building understanding around how we use communication in sports, why these are important skills and how they can be transferred into everyday life.

Focuses on building understanding around the process of setting goals in sports and how these skills can be transferred into everyday life and developed through participation in sport.

This module provides participants with practical tools for dealing with conflict, aggression, and challenging behaviour in a sports setting.

Provides an opportunity to explore mental health and wellbeing within a sporting context and looks at how to create conversations around these topics.

This module aims to upskill and increase the knowledge of practitioners who are working with young people in a sport
and physical activity environment on the importance of human connection and the relationship between ACEs and sport and physical activity.

This module aims to upskill and increase the knowledge of practitioners who are working with people in a sport and physical activity environment on the importance of understanding their why and coaching values, human connection, and establishing and building relationships to create a person-centred coaching environment.

For more information and detailed learning outcomes, download our brochure now:

Our Wellbeing Workshops

Designed in partnership with SAMH with the purpose of providing a better understanding of how beneficial physical activity and sport can be for mental health.  There are five topics aimed at young people between 9-16 years old.

What causes stress, how it affects you and how you can manage it.

What is anxiety, what effects can it have, and how to manage your own anxiety.

How motivation can help mental health and wellbeing and finding what works for you.

The impact that positive social interactions and support networks can have on your mental health.

What pressure can look like and its effect on your mental health.

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