East Central Team Prepare for SSF Delivery in Fife

Our newly formed East Central Team have been hard at work planning SSF delivery for roll out in the Fife area. Whilst face-to-face delivery has been temporarily put on hold due to COVID restrictions, the team have been planning virtual delivery, and undertaking consultation with young people to help shape future programmes. We are working closely with partners to continue SSF’s positive relationship with people and stakeholders in Fife. We are planning delivery of Chance:2:Be, Shell Twilight, Active:2:Grow and Young Leaders programmes – all of which are on their way to Fife in 2021!

The team are also planning delivery of our Education Through Cashback (ETC) modules, which will provide young people the opportunity to take part in accessible training, with SCQF accreditation. We are working closely with key partners such as Fife Active Schools and the Lochgelly High School PE Department to pull together a group of young people to join our SSF Young Leaders programme and plan the delivery of ETC modules in the region.
During consultation with young people, the desire for leadership opportunities were identified, and the team are looking forward to recruiting a group of young people to join our SSF Young Leaders programme. The Young Leaders programme will support and empower young people to take on leadership roles and become positive role models in their communities. Currently consultation and delivery is taking place online, but the team are really looking forward to rolling out more face-to-face delivery in line with Government Guidelines, enabling us to support young people in Fife most in need. 
Our delivery in Fife is made possible with generous funding from CashBack for Communities, Bank of Scotland Foundation, Comic Relief and Shell, as well as incredible support from local partners, Fife Active Schools, Community Use Fife, Fife CLD, The Clued-Up Project, Youth First and the Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly Community Police. Through these partnerships, we can ensure that as soon as restrictions allow, all of our SSF programmes in Fife will be able to be delivered safely and promptly, whilst providing the best opportunities for young people in the East Central region!
Clued up
Fife Council
community use fife
Youth first
bank of scotland foundation
police scotland
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