Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
Coach / Youth Worker of The Year
Sponsored by Caledonia Gladiators
This award is for an exceptional SSF Coach or Youth Worker, who has shown dedication and worked tirelessly and selflessly to support the health and wellbeing of young people.
Spirit of The Year
Sponsored by Active Scotland
This award recognises a unique young person who stands out by their enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Their spirit, drive and determination are truly inspiring.
Positive Destination Award
Sponsored by Enable
This award is for a young person who has worked to achieve their goal destination.
Unsung Hero of The Year
Sponsored by sportscotland
This award recognises a young person who is inclusive, has a positive attitude, a willingness to help, and continuously puts others first.
Inspiring Journey of The Year
Sponsored by Clyde Gateway
This award is for an SSF young volunteer who has come through SSF programmes and is now dedicating their time weekly to support the journey of other young people.
Changing Lives Organisation of The Year
Sponsored by Brand Oath
This organisation has have used sport and physical activity innovatively and intentionally to change the lives of young people in the last year.
Ian Reid Outstanding Achievement Award
Sponsored by Actify
This award recognises an outstanding Young Person who gives everything their all, has overcome challenge and takes up every opportunity presented to them.
Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
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