Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
At SSF, we truly believe that sport has the power to change lives. Our training packages have been designed to support individuals and organisations to take a person-centred approach and embed it within their practice. We want to work in partnership with you to ensure everyone has access to sport and physical activity and the wider benefits that come with it.
A programme of training combining youth work and sport to maximise the wider benefits of sport and physical activity. Our six modules can be delivered in a variety of styles to support professionals to embed a ‘Sport for Change’ approach within their practice. Further information on our modules can be found here.
Our ‘Train the Trainer’ model upskills practitioners, working directly with young people, to deliver our six SCQF-accredited ETC modules. An excellent option for those looking to embed the ETC modules within schools and community programmes, or simply for their own professional development. Further information on our modules can be found here.
With 20 years of experience designing, delivering and evaluating ‘Sport for Change’ programmes, we pride ourselves as being one of the leading organisations in the field. We offer unique training opportunities designed to address the challenges faced by individuals and organisations who use sport to engage with young people. To find out more, please get in touch using the contact details below.
SSF will work with partners across the country to organise ETC sessions where requested. If you would like to arrange a session, or require further information about any of our products and services, please email us or call 0141 218 4640. You can also book online.
Click here to book an ETC module or get in touch to be added to our ETC Tutor Training waiting list.
Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
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