Our SSF Wellbeing Ambassadors talk about body image this Mental Health Awareness Week.
Everyone has a body image. Everyone has mental health. Having body image concerns is a very common thing but it doesn’t necessarily mean our mental health will be affected by it. So, what can we do when it does affect our mental health?
Our Wellbeing Ambassadors told us what they thought were the key issues that cause body image concerns:

- “Social Media. We see pictures of girls and boys with amazing bodies and with that comes pressure. Pressure to look the same and it’s just not real. We need to stop comparing ourselves to who we see on Instagram and on TV, it kinda makes us forget what normal is.”
- “Trying to fit in and not be seen is very hard. Some people think that everyone is staring at them and judging them because of the way they look when actually it doesn’t matter what they think”
- “Some people might have health conditions which affect their body shape”
What can we do?
More needs to be done on promoting a positive body image and supporting good mental health and wellbeing in relation to our bodies.
- Filter or ‘clean up’ our social media content (unfollow pages which encourage us to compare)
- Be more aware of how to take care of ourselves in relation to body image.
- Find joy in exercise/movement. It’s proven that physical activity can make you feel better!
- Educate other young people on eating disorders and offer support
- I don’t think people fully understand, especially younger people what body image is and how it affects your mental health. There should be more conversations around it in school/youth clubs to make sure everyone fully understands the affects it can have.
SAMH provide mental health support in communities across Scotland – find help here