Scottish Sports Futures have been working closely with Govan partners, Govan Youth Information Project (GYIP), Police Scotland and Animalia Apparel to start up a new Shell Twilight session in Govan at Harmony Row Youth Club. We had consultations with local young people to ensure the project was both person centred and young person led. By putting the young people at the heart of everything we do, we are empowering them to drive what their own provision looks like, and where SSF can support their wants and needs, with the help of local partners.
The Shell Twilight session started at the end of October 2020 for young people aged 12+, every Friday night 5pm-7pm. We provide this diversionary sports and youth work session as a safe alternative to young people at a time of peak anti-social behaviour. Through the youth work and physical activity sessions, we support young people to increase confidence, skills, and aspirations, as well as reducing crime and negativity. The session is open to all, and provides a safe, fun environment to make friends and be active.
“It was pure magic having a football at my feet again since no being allowed it since March, it was like falling in love with sport all over again” – Twilight Participant, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions we have all had to adapt to new guidelines to ensure the Shell Twilight sessions can run safely. All the staff have worked together and incredibly hard to provide innovative and enjoyable sport and youth work sessions. As a result, we have had great success with young people attending every week.

“Since the beginning of the twilight programme I have enjoyed working with the different staff from the different organisations and feel that we have all worked extremely well together. I have enjoyed the fact that we are proving a service to young people who have been most affected by the pandemic and giving them the access to football, other sports, as well as educational activities, using the power of sport.”
– GYIP Youth Worker, 2020
SSF are really looking forward to continuing the sessions into the new year. By working with local partners, we can further develop the session, using the power of sport and youth work to fulfil the young people’s potential and make a valuable contribution to the community.