Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
At SSF, we truly believe that sport has the power to change lives. Our training packages have been designed to support individuals and organisations to take a person-centred approach and embed it within their practice. We want to work in partnership with you to ensure everyone has access to sport and physical activity and the wider benefits that come with it.
Our modules can be delivered in a variety of styles to support professionals to embed a ‘Sport for Change’ approach within their practice.
We also offer a package of practical and interactive modules tailored to the individual needs of young people. ETC offers fun personal development to young people at various stages of their journey.
We deliver workshops that take a youth work approach to sport out with a traditional classroom environment. We empower young people to shape their learning and develop confidence and transferable skills to take back into their communities.
To find out more about SSF Education & Training opportunities, check out our brochure which includes a background to the programme, a breakdown of all our Education & Training modules.
There are multiple training opportunities to suit all abilities, age groups and experiences.
To find out more information, download our brochure below.
With 20 years of experience designing, delivering and evaluating ‘Sport for Change’ programmes, we pride ourselves as being one of the leading organisations in the field.
If you would like SSF to deliver Education & Training modules to your organisation, complete the booking form below and we will get back to you.
SSF will work with organisations across the country to deliver Education & Training. If you would like to arrange a session, or would like further information, please complete the enquiry form below or call 0141 218 4640.
Scottish Sports Futures is a Registered Charity (SC034085) and a Company Ltd by Guarantee (SC343830)
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