COVID-19 Update 2

Wow, 15 weeks in! We hope all our partners, families and young people are keeping safe and well during this challenging time. 

The last 15 weeks have seen SSF adapt delivery and move online to continue to support young people across Scotland. In conjunction with online delivery we have sent resources home to young people and worked hard to be as innovative as we can during this time, TikToks, Zoom quizzes, baking challenges, physical activity challenges, workshops…. you name it, we have been trying it!

  • 200 postcards and wellbeing letters have been sent home to young people
  • 150 sport and physical activity kits boxes are being sent to young people across Scotland
  • 5 new interactive wellbeing workshops have been created by young people and are being delivery digitally by young people
  • 10 wellbeing workshops on topics such as Stress, Motivation and Social Interaction have been delivered with between 10/15 young attending each workshop.
  • Weekly letters and family packs have been sent home
  • Weekly support meetings are in place for young people alongside weekly workshops and challenges

Our fantastic SSF youth panel have continued to play an integral role in designing our programmes during this time. As always, we believe it is vital that young people have an opportunity to influence programme design and delivery.

As we move into Phase 3, following government guidelines SSF will look to implement face to face delivery of sport, physical activity, and youth work for young people. Following guidance on the 13th July we will update our delivery plans. In line with our current strategy, we hope and anticipate that in Phase 3 we will be able to deliver the following:

  • Diversionary Activity
  • Wellbeing Activity for families
  • Young Leaders support
  • Walk and Talks for young people
  • Online Wellbeing Workshops
  • Education Through Cashback online training 

Moving forward, we will use a blend of face to face and online delivery to reach families and young people to ensure their safety is at the forefront of everything we do. 

We will continue to keep everyone updated with our plans moving forward. The SSF delivery teams are all very excited to engage with all our young people and families once again as we move into the next phase of the current pandemic.

Rohanna Irvine | Head of People and Programmes

To get in contact with the SSF team, please see our details on our Meet the Team page.

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